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//Media of Technology

Media of Technology

Instructor (Graphic Design)

My role was multifaceted, encompassing both teaching and mentoring. Not only impart technical skills in design software and techniques but also to inspire a deeper understanding of the art and science behind visual communication. I encourage my students to explore their imaginations and push the boundaries of design, nurturing their unique voices in this ever-evolving field. Through hands-on projects, constructive critiques, and guidance on industry best practices, I aim to equip my students with the practical skills and creative confidence they need to succeed. It’s immensely rewarding to witness their growth, from conceptualizing ideas to bringing them to life in visually captivating ways. I believe in fostering a collaborative and innovative learning environment where each student can flourish, ultimately contributing to the vibrant and dynamic world of graphic design.

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+1 859-795-9217
+1 716-913-6279


4903 Mayo Street
Cincinnati, KY 45202

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Martin Solonick

Etiam in nulla arcu, ut vehicula velit. Vivamus dapibus rutrum mi ut aliquam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Integer sagittis neque a tortor tempor in porta sem vulputate.

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